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Friday, July 20, 2007

The international. the poly. the jc.

Alright, my beloved kuek went back to australia today. but i'm very sure that she'll read this when she's there, back home. well, previous post was so not a tribute hello! haha. so let me do my part in contributing to the whole tribute thingy ya.

knowing jos and kuek is the best thing that ever happened to me. i feel so fortunate to have such supporting and sincere friends. knowing that they'll be there no matter what. come to think of it, the love and concern they have showered me for the past nine years has made me become so emotionally dependen on them. from the advices we used to give one another on bgr, to the deepest thoughts we share with one another. all these will be remembered. our friendship has been the most smooth sailing one i must say! in fact, i dont remember having any arguments or conflicts with any of them. yes, we never quarrelled!

the time we spent together for the past four years has really made us know each other so well. so much that jos and i know how to deal with kuek when she refuses to step out of her house to meet us, either because she's plain lazy, or she had gone insane and wanted to meet someone else instead! haha. and kuek and i will know how to deal with jos' forever changing mood, thats really the nicest way to put across her mood swings. =O but i must say that jos and kuek are the nicest creature on earth, to be putting up with me, the most demanding person on planet earth. I LOVE YOU GIRLS SO MUCH. and because i'm so used to having their understanding, its hard for me now to find people with half their qualities! yeah. i'm just glad that the emailing is going strong. in fact, i dont feel that we've drifted that much apart, despite us being so very separated physically. i used to spend a min of 8 hours with them everyday. but now, it isnt even 8 hours a month!

but i'm so very certain that we'll remain as tight as ever, seeing how much effort we're all putting in to keep the friendship strong. a true friend is hard to come by, but guess what. i've got TWO!


8:58 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I realised that posting this post will push my last Slovakia entry down. and it'll only be under history now. wails. i miss Slovakia, or rather the time spent in Slovakia, especially with jamielee.

nonetheless, i love jos and jess too! alrite. here's a whole lot of photos taken in toapayoh kbox we went to last week. yeah. last sunday! it was a last minute decision to go kboxing. but we, jnj, had so damn a lot of fun! laughed like crazy and yeah. felt good being around the girls once again.

i realised that ij's chinese standard is really low. half of the time, we were making up our own words, composing our own lyrics!

10:27 PM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wild Child
by the young voices of Melbourne and ijtp choir!
group photos with the seniors and juniors!
the tightest threesome. tgt with the two weirdest ppl on earth. combine choir.

7:11 PM

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

first month yesterday. yeah. feels weird only have 2 pictures. HAHA! but ya. great ambience. great guy. WOOH!

Sentosa on sat. wasnt exactly the most enjoyable regs trip. the first time feeling this way actually. but i'm pretty sure that it would be the last time having such unfun outing. HAHA.

regs and co on the beach!

9:29 PM


[nicole] lowjiahui



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Wild Child
Peiyings Birthday
4/8 Gathering (PS)
Cynthias Birthday 07
Mad Jack/Island Creamery
Phantom Of The Opera
Jasmines Birthday 07
Jasmines Birthday 07 (Cyn Cam)
Jamies Birthday 07
Gabriels Birthday 07
IG19 Sentosa
1T07 BBQ 2
Last Day (CJ-Jae)
Agatha's House
1T07 Misfits
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Darius Birthday 07
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Far East Flora
IG19 BBQ (Cyn Cam)
O level results
Daddy's Birthday!
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IG19 (Esplanade/Marina)
Chomp Chomp
Fish & Co.
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Melbourne 06
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